In this article I will be exploring the spiritual meaning behind autumn equinox.
It’s time to take a deep breath – you made it to the top.
Every year we experience a Spring (ARIES – LIBRA AXIS) and Autumn Equinox (SUN in LIBRA and MOON in Capricorn) ,both mark very important times in which the energies will be significantly shifting.
While the Spring Equinox marks the beginning of the new astrological year, the Autumn Equinox marks the point half circle of the year.

The autumn Equinox - Mabon
We have reached a mystical peak and now the wheel is slowly turning inwards, downwards. Those who pay attention will become aware that things are now step by step changing form and dynamic. For the next three months we are asked to gently surrender rather than make happen. This is the time when things tend to fall into place if we arranged them correctly. Its not about us and our achievements but more about getting comfortable with who we really are. Harvest time is the time of honest reflection. Acknowledgement of our short comings, failures, doubts and worries this year. The realization that some of what happened this year, actually went different as planned.
How do you feel about that?
While the autumn Equinox represents a peak of energy of the astrological year, it also touches upon the decending of energy. The endless motion of becoming and undoing. Our focus now turns towards others and we might long for company, support, encouragement and love that comes from another place than the superficial contacts we often hold.
We are now preparing for depth and the upcoming darkness (Scorpio) for which we seek comfort, creating the atmosphere of belonging (Libra). Like the mother gets ready to bear a child, the autumn equinox represents the preparation for the last chapter of pregnancy. We want to be certain, belong and feel safe before we are ready to go deeper alone into inner winter. (Cancer – Capricorn Solstices)
From which the new human experiences arises, and what was once a seed planted into mother earth, has become ready to bloom once again when the Spring Equinox is calling us forward to be reborn (Aries Spring Equinox).

Libra Season - the time of karmic contracts
Allowing us to bring harmony to areas that we have forgotten, neglected or over focused. This is a great time to call upon those team members, supporters, partners and helpers to draw closer.
All of us will feel a shift in energy – wanting to move closer towards collaboration and looking out for partners in some way or the other. Libra represents relationships (in any way), however it also stands for “the other” which could be also our enemies or people holding up a mirror showing us who we “truly” are.
Planting your intentions – activate or release old contracts
A Karmic Astrology Reading could be the perfect answer. This Reading will help you to understand the significant part others play in your current life journey.
It will point out which karmic ties are getting activated at this moment in time. Unearthing the meaning and importance contacts in your life. People who are “meant” to be here at this moment in time.
Showing you an important task that now is about to be accomplished so you can move forward becoming more and more that of what you call “true self”.
Karmic connections are those we encounter and they change us. These connections go deeper than “normal” encounters.
They are here to help us to remember the contracts, vows and promises we once made. They are asking from us to pay back what we owe and let go of what we no longer need.

Book a karmic astrology Reading today and see what and who is waiting for you.
Which direction is your life going to take and what are you invited to do – to full fill those karmic connections – so you can move forward into this new life.